A Funny Joke
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Base Hit

A Boston fan, a Yankees fan, and Pamela Anderson are
sitting together in a train. The train enters a tunnel and the
car goes completely dark. There's a kissing noise, and
then the sound of a really loud slap. When the train comes
out of the tunnel, Pamela Anderson and the Yankees fan
are sitting as if nothing happened, and the Boston fan is
holding his slapped face. The Boston fan is thinking,
"That Yankees fan must have kissed Pamela and she
swung at him and missed, slapping me instead." Pamela
is thinking, "That Boston fan must have tried to kiss me,
accidentally kissed the Yankees fan, and got slapped for
it." And the Yankees fan is thinking, "This is great. The
next time the train goes through a tunnel, I'll make another
kissing noise and slap that Boston fan again".

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A Funny Joke

My Tax Remittance for 2004

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