A Funny Joke
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A Hawaii woodpecker and a California woodpecker were arguing about which
place had the toughest trees. The Hawaii woodpecker said Hawaii had a tree
that no woodpecker could peck. The California woodpecker accepted his
challenge, and promptly pecked a hole in the tree with no problem. The
Hawaiian woodpecker was in awe.

The California woodpecker then challenged the Hawaiian woodpecker to peck
a tree in California that was absolutely unpeckable. The Hawaiian
woodpecker expressed confidence he could do it, so accepted the challenge.
After flying to California, the Hawaii woodpecker successfully pecked the
tree with no problem.

So the two woodpeckers were now confused. How is it that the Californian
woodpecker was able to peck the Hawaiian tree and the Hawaiian woodpecker
was able to peck the Californian tree, but neither one was able to peck
the tree in their own state?

After much woodpecker-pondering, they both came to the same conclusion -
your pecker is always harder when you're away from home.

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A Funny Joke


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