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Total PC Experience

Redmond, WA - Microsoft Corporation has reconfirmed its commitment to bringing the "total PC experience" to Macintosh computer users.

MS software developers this week announced the latest version of its "Windows for Macintosh" bundle comes with MyDoom, Bagle, SoBig, LovSan/Blaster and Melissa already installed.

Plus, it will automatically connect to the Microsoft website upon start-up to download a customized Mac version of any new virus or worm that might appear on the World Wide Web.

"We're saddened that nobody bothers to write crippling hacks for the Mac OS any more," said Chief Software Architect Bill Gates. "We know Mac people have been feeling left out for a very long time now, and we want to welcome them back into the family."

Following the announcement, shares of both Microsoft and Apple were down 82% at the close of the stock market yesterday.

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A Funny Joke


An old couple who hadn't celebrated Halloween in a long time decided to dress up and go out. The old woman went into her bedroom, stripped naked and tied a lemon between her legs. When she came out, the old man cried, "You can't go out like that!" She said, "I can go anyway I like ...