A Funny Joke
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Three Doctors in Heaven

Three doctors were driving together to the hospital
when they had an accident and all three died. They
found themselves in front of the Pearly Gates, with
St. Peter there shaking his head.

"Gentlemen, I'm afraid Heaven is full - we just don't
have room for you here," said St. Peter. "But, St.
Peter, surely you recognise me!" the first doctor
exclaimed. "I developed the DNA theory, and have helped
improve millions of lives through my work." St. Peter
shook his head, thinking, and finally said, "You're
right, we just have to let you in. Come on -- we'll
make room somehow."

"And I know you recognise me, St. Peter," the second
doctor said. "I developed the MRI, and because of my
machine, millions of people with medical problems are
helped." Again St. Peter is moved. "Yes, come on
in. Surely you deserve to be here, too," he replies.

Finally, the last doctor pipes in, "St. Peter, You
must also know me -- I'm the doctor who developed
HMOs." To this St. Peter only hesitates a moment, and
then replies, "Yes, you, too, have a place in Heaven
-- but you can only stay 3 days."

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A Funny Joke

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