A Funny Joke
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The Lion

Lion wakes up in the jungle and finds that a tool is missing, he goes to elephant and asks "Have you seen my tool?"

Elephant replies "What does it look like?"<BR>
Lion: "Well it's got four points on it"<BR>
Elephant: "Sorry, I haven't seen it, try mouse"<BR>
So the Lion goes to the mouse and asks "Have you seen my tool?"<BR>
Mouse: "What does it look like?"<BR>
Lion: "Well it's got four points on it."<BR>
Mouse: "Sorry mate, I've not seen it, try croc."<BR>
So the lion proceeds to the crocodile and asks "Have you seen my tool"<BR>
Croc: "What does it look like?"<BR>
Lion: "Well it's got four points on it."<BR>
Croc: "Sorry I've not seen it, try Jaguar"<BR>
So the lion goes to Jaguar and asks "Have you seen my tool?"<BR>
Jaguar: "Of course, I ate it."<BR>
Lion: "Why did you do that?"<BR>
Jaguar: "Well I'm a four point tool eater Jaguar"<BR>

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