A Funny Joke
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Pearly Gates

A blonde dies and arrives at the Pearly Gates, where she is greeted by St.
Peter. "Welcome!" he says. "Because we are currently operating at 99%
capacity, we can only let a limited number of souls into heaven.
Therefore, you must answer my questions correctly to gain entrance."

"Okay," says the blonde.

"Here's your question: name two days of the week
that begin with the letter T."

"That's easy. Today and tomorrow!"

"Well, that's not the answer I was thinking of, but I'll give you another
question. How many seconds are there in a year?"

"That's easy. Twelve!"


"January second, February second, March second--"

"Okay, okay. I can see you misunderstood this question as well. Okay, one more chance.
What's God's name?"

"That's easy. Howard!"


"You know -- 'Our Father, who art in heaven, Howard be thy name..."

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A Funny Joke

New Electric Train

A few days after Christmas, A mother was working in the kitchen listening to her son playing with his new electric train set in the living room. She heard the train stop and her son yell 'All you sons of b*tches who want to get off, get the hell off now, because this is the last stop! All of you so ...