A Funny Joke
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Lost Rooster

The priest in a small Irish village was very fond of the chickens he kept
in the hen house out the back of the parish manse. He had a cock rooster
and about ten hens.

One Saturday night the cock rooster went missing and as that was the time
he suspected cock fights occurred in the village he decided to do
something about it at church the next morning.

At Mass, he asked the congregation "Has anybody got a cock?"
- all the men stood up.

"No No" he said "That wasn't what I meant. Has anybody seen a cock?"
- all the women stood up.

"No No" he said "That wasn't what I meant. Has anybody seen a cock that
doesn't belong to them."
- half the women stood up.

"No No" he said "That wasn't what I meant. Has anybody seen my cock?"
- all the nuns stood up.

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A Funny Joke

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