Boat for Sale
Thibodeaux was driving his car past Beaudreaux's house
and saw a sign that read: "Boat for Sale". Thibodeaux
marches up to Beaudreaux's front porch and raps hard on
the door and Beaudreaux opens it. <BR>
Thibodeaux say, "Beaudreaux! How long we ban frands?"<BR>
Beaudreaux say, "Well......All our lives, Thibodeaux".<BR>
Thibodeaux say, "Why don you tole me you gotta boat?"<BR>
Beaudreaux say, "I ain't gotta boat!"<BR>
Thibodeaux say, "Da' sign say; 'BOAT for SALE'.<BR>
Beaudreaux say, "OH - NO Thibodeaux!!....See dat old ' 72
Ford pickem'up truck over dare?" <BR>
Thibodeaux say, "Yas. I see dat old pickem'up truck."<BR>
Beaudreaux say, "See dat ' 76 Cheverloet Ce-dan?" <BR>
Thibodeaux say, "Yas, I see dat Ce-dan."<BR>
Beaudreaux say, "Well, dey boat for sale."<BR>
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By Unknown
446 Funny / 431 Not Funny
By Unknown