A Funny Joke
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Home Game

Bill and Hillary are at a Yankees home game, sitting in the first row,
With the Secret Service people directly behind them.
One of the Secret Service guys leans forward and
Whispers something to Bill. At first, Clinton stares
At the guy, looks at Hillary, looks Back at the agent, and shakes his head "no."

The agent then says, "Mr. President, it was a
Unanimous request of the entire Team, from the owner of the team to the bat boy."

Bill hesitates...but begins to change his mind when
The agent tells him The fans would love it! Bill shrugs his shoulders
And says, "Ho-Kay! If that is what the people want.
C'mere Hilly,baby..."

With that, Bill grabs Hillary by her collar and the Seat of her pants, Lifts her up, and tosses her right over the wall onto
The field.

She gets up kicking, swearing, screaming, "Bill you
"F*cking idiot!".

The crowd goes absolutely wild. Fans are jumping up &
Down, cheering, hooting and hollering, and high-fiving. Bill is
Bowing, smiling and waving to the crowd.
He leans over to the agent and says, "How about that!
I would have never believed how much everyone would enjoy that!"
Noticing the agent has gone totally pale, he asks what
Is wrong.

The agent replies, "Sir, I said they want you to throw out
The first PITCH."

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A Funny Joke

Sam Meets Leon

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