A Funny Joke
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Tan It All

A man went to the beach to work on his tan. In his hotel room that night, he noticed that he had a nice tan everywhere except where his bathing suit was. So the next day he decided to cover the tanned areas with sand and leave the untanned areas exposed so he could have a nice even tan. After he was lying there for a while, 2 older women came walking by. When they saw him lying there, they stopped and one of them said:

"Ruth, when I was 20, I was afraid of it, when I was 40 I could'nt get enough of it, when I was 60 I had to pay for it, and now that I'm 80 it's growing wild!

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A Funny Joke

Ah So True

1. The nicest thing about the future is that it always starts tomorrow. 2. Money will buy a fine dog, but only kindness will make him wag his tail. 3. If you don't have a sense of humor, you probably don't have any sense at all. 4. Seat belts are not as confining as wheelchairs. 5. A good time ...